[alberg30] Re: Window Replacement (was Current thinking on bedding compunds?)

JANET LEMBO jlsasha at erols.com
Thu Apr 15 13:50:12 PDT 1999

From: JANET LEMBO <jlsasha at erols.com>

Forhan, Thomas wrote:
> From: "Forhan, Thomas" <Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov>
> Lee et al,
> I am going with 3/16 lexan, which the local plastic distributor said was
> several times stronger than the equivalent plexiglass that comes stock. A
> comment in the Maintenance Handbook-thanks George- suggests that 1/4 lexan
> would already be stronger than the cabin sides. Half inch would seem like
> massive overkill, and directly bolting them to the cabin sides would really
> be hard to pull off and still keep the lines, both because of the mounting
> and the tremendous thickness.
> Have you ever seen a Morgan Classic 300? It was the old Charlie Morgan
> designed, CCA type Morgan 30, which had nice, decent lines. The 300 was
> "updated" with plexi-lexan-whatever windows, externally mounted, and it was
> ugly (IMHO). Careful what you do here.
> My frames are in pretty nice shape, so I haven't even thought about
> replacing them. If I was outfitting Calliope for round the capes duty, I
> think the ideal would be to use 1/4 or 5/16th lexan, and have flat bronze
> plate cut for replacement frames, but, like stainless, it would not be
> cheap.
> So should I use 4200 for the ports as well, with the existing frames..?
> Tom F.
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From:   FINNUS505 at aol.com [SMTP:FINNUS505 at aol.com]
>         Sent:   Thursday, April 15, 1999 3:20 PM
>         To:     alberg30 at onelist.com
>         Subject:        [alberg30] Re: Current thinking on bedding compunds?
>         From: FINNUS505 at aol.com
>         Hi Thom,
>         i like 5200, regardless of difficulty in removing it, but that's
> just me.
>         Are you replacing the windows exactly as they were originaly
> designed, or are
>         you doing something different?  Our ports all need replacing, and I
> was
>         thinking of going with 1/2 " lexan, oversize, and bolting them to
> the cabin
>         sides, and doing away with the aluminum frames.
>         What do you and the gang think?
>         Lee
>         Stargazer #255
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I am going with quarter inch lexan, tinted with UV protection. I removed
one window last year because of a leak. There seems to be ample room for
thicker material because of the dog house dimensions. The frames seem to
bow in  when bolted. also there are large gaps top, bottom and sides in
the opening. Make new templates so the fit is better, I will be using
silicone to seal the windows.. Joel

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