[alberg30] long lines

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Tue Aug 17 06:26:47 PDT 1999

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>


Some email programs only put line terminators on the ends of 
paragraphs, expecting the reader to "word-wrap" the text
according to the window size used to view it.  You might check
your program for a "word-wrap" option.

 - George

> Tom Sutherland said:
> John ...
>     I don't know if it is just me or if others on the list experience
> the same thing but  your post always come to me in one long message
> running from left to right and in order to read what you have sent I
> must keep scrolling sideways ... it makes trying to make sense of what
> has been sent very challenging.
>     I will admit I am no computer guru but  am just wondering if anyone
> else has experienced this with John's posts. Any suggestions what can be
> done on my end to be remedy this ?
> Tom S
> PS ... My computer is an "iMac" by Apple.
> John Bailey wrote:
> >    Part 1.1       Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
> >               Encoding: quoted-printable

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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