[alberg30] Various Questions Cont.

Richard Hurt rhurt at metro.net
Mon Aug 30 14:18:13 PDT 1999

From: Richard Hurt <rhurt at metro.net>


Where does your muffler physically rest?  If I need to glass in a mounting
block, I'd like to do it prior to installing the engine.  Looks like it may
be a tight fit working behind the engine once it is back in.

Thanks to the group for the other answers regarding what to do with the
compass recess.  At this point in the overhaul the beer holder is an
attractive option, but with my small children I like the idea of having a
continuous step in front of the companionway.  I'll probably not glass it
in, but rather caulk it down to leave my option open for future use.

Rick Hurt
Corinna #531

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