[alberg30] I need sails

sunstone sunstone at idirect.com
Tue Aug 31 20:08:04 PDT 1999

From: sunstone <sunstone at idirect.com>

Eric Reid has a main, #1,2,3 and stays'l for sale for an A-30.
You can contact him at: 
        "Eric & Marlene Reid" <reid at sympatico.ca>
Good luck, hope it's a win/win for all,

John Birch, Sunstone KC-65

Joseph Fleming wrote:
> From: Joseph Fleming <joseph-fleming at usa.net>
>      I would like to buy a good working jib  and storm sails.I hope to take
> a trip south this fall and I will probably need all three. If anyone has
> any for sale please  let me know.   Thanks
> Joe Fleming  A454
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