[alberg30] hard dodger for A30

alberg30 alberg30 at interactive.net
Sat Dec 4 07:57:32 PST 1999

From: "alberg30" <alberg30 at interactive.net>

Thanks Bob!

> From: Robert Kirk <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>
> To: alberg30 at onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [alberg30] hard dodger for A30
> Date: Saturday, December 04, 1999 2:15 AM
> From: Robert Kirk <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>
> >In another one of my ambitious winter projects I am attempting to
> >a hard dodger for my A30. I once saw a hard dodger constructed by a
> >in North Carolina for his older Columbia 30-something. It was very
> >interesting.
> Joe... Check the nice hard dodger that Wayne Bower made from fiberglas
> his Alberg 37:
>    http://users.erols.com/teelok/
> It did take him quite a while,though.  And remember, gentlemen don't go
> sailing when you need a dodger.
> Cheers,
> Bob Kirk
> Isobar #181
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