[alberg30] sharing files

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Thu Feb 25 13:45:45 PST 1999

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>

Onelist has just added a new feature: file sharing.  If you go to
http://www.onelist.com/shareddir/alberg30/ you'll find the place
to upload or download files you want to share.  

It's not a big space, 5 megabytes, but it might suffice for those
picture files you want to share with others.  Just upload the
picture to the shared file space and then mail a notice to the
list that it's there.  If the space is too full, delete the 
oldest file to make room.

 - George

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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