[alberg30] Re: Hatch cut out

sunstone sunstone at idirect.com
Thu Feb 25 21:50:37 PST 1999

From: sunstone <sunstone at idirect.com>


Sober second thought, "a scheme is not a vision", I agree hatches belong
on cabin tops not cockpit soles and the impact on resale should not be
minimized.   The impact on sea worthiness is likely to be negative.


J Birch

greg vandenberg wrote:
> From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at mailhost.kal.ameritech.net>
> Dick... I'm just trying to say that one should be very cautious about cutting
> large holes in the bottom of your cockpit sole. It is a serious matter. To
> install aluminum and acrylic hatches and call it a access hatch for use under
> foot and under water and under anything else that may end up there is
> questionable. I think you have the evidence right there on your desk. The
> bottom of that cockpit sole is a lot stronger than any hatch described here.
> The only cockpit access hatch I've seen and thought sea worthy was constructed
> of thick glass covered ply with interlocking edges and dogged all around,
> similar to the construction of a flush fit fordeck anchor locker. I don't
> think Mr. Alberg with today's material choices would have put a "bomar" hatch
> in the middle of his cockpit sole with lips that were raised 1" or 2" for
> tripping over and then realizing this put wood grates around them to make them
> flush so the owner could get at the inboard he designed into too small a
> space. I have to admit that the problem has to be solved. That it sounds
> pretty slick to be able to cut a hole and slide in a standard hatch and call
> it an access hatch and a job well done and ending up with the use of alot of
> space that was once lost to me. Slick YES... but good design and sea worthy
> ... I'm not so sure!
> regards,
> greg
> Dick said...I've got the cut out right next to my desk as I write this.Top
> layer cockpit sole 1/8 "glass non skid,next layer 1/8 " masonite,thinlayer of
> glass about 1/32",1/8"masonite,1/8"woven or roven glass?
> Wellits just a hair over half inch,and don't see any signs of delamation.I
> think that if Mr. Alberg thought for one minute that there was a weak
> spot in his boat that he would have beefed it up.I tried to install a
> new puck sytle transducer inhull next to the engine,I grinded a small
> area of glass smooth,nothing,put the puck in the water again 8 ft.I
> wonder how thick the hull actual is on this boat.I later found a bad
> section of wire on my old through hull transducer,fixed it and now I've
> got depth.Seriously,back to hatches I don't know if plastics were a big
> part of marine vessels in 1966,but if Mr.Alberg would have had at his
> disposal what is available today,do you think he would have put that
> little 6" plate to keep sailors cursing ?Ha!Ha!
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