[alberg30] Re: Considering Purchase

A30240 at aol.com A30240 at aol.com
Mon Jan 4 19:34:42 PST 1999

From: A30240 at aol.com


Reguarding replacing the engine in an older boat, I can't give you a price on
having it done.  It is a job that is in the realm of the do-able, but it takes
time and patientce.  It helps if your wife (and priest) aren't too close to
the work site.  I did an article for the A30 assn a while back and will e-mail
it to you seperatly.  

If anyone else needs a copy let me know.  It is a bit big to put out in a
blanket message.

Jim Davis
Isa Lei
a30240 at aol.com

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