[alberg30] Re: Mast step location

Ken Butler kbutler at isn.net
Sun Jan 10 22:58:17 PST 1999

From: Ken Butler <kbutler at isn.net>

At 08:15 PM 1/10/99 EST, you wrote:
>From: FINNUS505 at aol.com
>Hi Ken, 
>I would seriously consider consulting with a naval architect before ai moved
>the mast step of the the Alberg 30 down to the keel.  On the cabin top, the
>weight of the mast is distributed to the deck, bulkheads, etc. No one single
>point.  You move the entire compresiion and weight of the mast to one
point on
>the keel on a hull which  wasn't designed for those forces, you may have some
>serious problems. Think it over carefully.  Much easier to cut the new
mast to
>the approprite length.
>Good Luck,
>Lee Trachtenberg
>Stargazer #255
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>Thanks Lee, You are I am sure right, I would just wind up with a series of
bigger problems than is presently the case.Having lost a mast I am a bit
paranoid and I am looking for ways of making it all a bit more secure.

  Ken Butler  

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