[alberg30] Boom Gallows

greg vandenberg fashionguy at ameritech.net
Mon Jan 18 05:45:41 PST 1999

From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at ameritech.net>

Has anyone got some good ideas about installing a gallows? Has anyone added
this equipment to there A30. The more I think about it the better it sounds. I
was thinking about installing it aft and using it as a place to connect the
awning which is a good 2nd reason to do it. Is there a down side to doing
this????  I also heard I could make it adjustable, retractable or removable.
Do most that have them fabricate there own? I have noticed some fittings that
are available through ABI products (A&B Industries). Are there any other suppliers?

Kind regards,
greg vandenberg

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