[alberg30] Alberg 30 Replies

Carl Clarkstone oracle_29 at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 16 21:26:41 PST 1999

From: "Carl Clarkstone" <oracle_29 at hotmail.com>

Thanks all for your replies, I suspected that "masonite" might have a 
lower resistance to rot as it seems so dense and hearing others say so 
at least makes me feel better and less dense.
A boat this old will definitely be a labour of love, if you don't love 
tinkering, fixing and spending some more money you are looking at the 
wrong boat!
I would not be considering this boat except that it has been fairly well 
kept by the same owner for about 15 yrs and he never lost interest in 
sailing but just traded up to a larger boat. 
In the last 5 years it has had new harken furling and many new sails as 
well as 2-speed self tailers added, a pile of other stuff as well.
The gray marine engine was rebuilt, however I have discovered that it 
was rusted through in at least 1 spot and "Devcon" epoxy was used to 
effect a repair. This may have been a factor in trading the boat.
The investigation and negotiations are proceeding at a cautious pace.

Carl Clarkstone 
Port Alberni BC

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