[alberg30] Re: Please, please, please (Biowsprit/roller)

Rick Leach RLeach at mbayaq.org
Tue Jan 26 05:38:29 PST 1999

From: Rick Leach <RLeach at mbayaq.org>

Hello all,
	I also searched my old manual for information about a bow roller
with no success.  If someone does locate any information, diagrams or photos
I would love to get in on it!  I would also be very happy to create a
section for displaying it on my webpage for those who are unable to cope
with jpegs, etc. via their email.  For that matter, if anyone has any
suggestions or projects that they want to share, I'd be happy to post the
details and any photos for everyone to see and benefit from. Please check in
and see what I've got so far and feel free to make suggestions.  While the
webpage is certainly an learning tool for me, I'd like to make a valuable
resource without duplicating too much of what George and Chris have done so
far.  Thanks in advance for your help. 
	I'd also like to second Michael's sentiment concerning all of the
effort George has devoted for everyone's benefit.  Hats off, George!  

Rick Leach
Sugar Magnolia #121
> ----------
> From: 	stephen
> sousa[SMTP:stephen=sousa%eng%emchop1 at fishbowl02.lss.emc.com]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, January 26, 1999 4:51 AM
> To: 	alberg30 at onelist.com
> Subject: 	[alberg30] Re: Please, please, please (Biowsprit/roller)
> From: "stephen sousa" <stephen=sousa%eng%emchop1 at fishbowl02.lss.emc.com>
> Jim/Tom,
> I searched through the 1973 Maintanence Manual and couldn't locate the 
> piece on the Bowsprint/roller. Jim, if you have a copy of this section pls
> forward to Tom.
> Thanks,
> Stephen
> -------------
> Original Text
> From: <A30240 at aol.com>, on 1/25/99 10:34 PM:
> From: A30240 at aol.com
> Tom
> Since someone else is sending you a copy of the roller, let me suggest 
> making
> the prongs on the forward end about a 1 1/2" longer, since you are using a
> CQR.  Also you might want to put a chock on the top about 3" back from the
> roller.  This distance should be as far forward as possible and still
> leave
> the anchor free.  I use a Delta and the shank lays in the chock.  These
> modifications: 1. better stability for the plow   2. Keeps the rode
> running
> over the bowsprit.
> Jim Davis
> Isa Lei
> 240

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