[alberg30] Re: atomic 4 low rpms & sail #s

APSTEC.COM A. Bagchi abagchi at apstec.com
Fri Jul 23 07:14:15 PDT 1999

From: abagchi at apstec.com (APSTEC.COM (A. Bagchi))

1) Bill

 I seem to be having the same problem with mine on shamrock in neutral it
revs fine I get about
1500 rpm in gear with a 3 blade 12x6 prop. In the past I could get at least
2500rpm out of it. My distributor was pretty messed up and I rebuilt it but
wasn't able to find new springs for the mechanical advance  before, I just
ordered a set of springs from the old lyme marina which I am hoping will
cure the problem. Once I get them installed  I will post another message .
in the meantime let me know if you find some other solution

2) Sail #

	when I bought shamrock the sails that came with it were numbered KC58 but
my hull
            is #180. I need to put numbers on a secondhand set of sails I
bought and the sailmaker tells
me the number should match the hull # ???????? and KC replaced with CAN.
Anybody have any ideas on what it should be

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