[alberg30] Atomic 4 rpms

Michael Stephano mundo at visi.net
Thu Jul 22 06:01:07 PDT 1999

From: "Michael Stephano" <mundo at visi.net>

Check for growth on the propeller before you do anything else. it does not
take much to slow things down.
Michael Stephano
Hopkins & Bro. General Store and the
Eastern Shore Steamboat Co. Restaurant

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Newman <bnewman at netcom.ca>
To: Alberg30 <alberg30 at onelist.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 8:54 AM
Subject: [alberg30] Atomic 4 rpms

> From: Bill Newman <bnewman at netcom.ca>
> The maximum rpm I can get with my Atomic 4 in forward gear is 1400.
> Recently, when leaving a harbour in a bad wind and wave against current
> condition  I could only get 1200 and barely made headway (about one
> knot).  Normally I cruise it at about 1000 to 1200 rpms and get about 5
> or 5 1/2 knots in normal conditions.  Does anyone know how high it
> should go under load and what may be the cause of it not revving
> higher?  The engine runs very smooth and quiet and will idle down so it
> is barely audible.  It will also rev up high in neutral.  Any comments
> or suggestions will be appreciated.
> Bill Newman
> Marion Rose III
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