[alberg30] towing canoes

Mon Jun 28 06:16:02 PDT 1999

I've towed a canoe behind the Alberg, and the principal problem
was the canoe trying to pass the boat.  It would sail off to
one side and then the other.  See my other comment about using
a drogue as a possible solution to this problem.

I only towed it a few miles in relatively calm water.  I think
it would also be very easy to swamp if there were any waves.

As for being easier to row, that's mostly due to the longer
waterline and greater buoyancy.  It's not a fair comparison
between an 8' dink and a 14' canoe.  Jim Palmer has a
rowing dory about 12-14 feet long that rows very well and
can carry plenty of gear.  I think I can row that better
with two oars than I can paddle a canoe with one.

 - George

> SandersM at aol.com said:
> Canoes are so much easier to row than dinghies.  Has anyone out there ever 
> tried to tow a canoe instead of a dinghy for use as a tender?  

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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