[alberg30] Re: Tillers

stephen sousa stephen=sousa%eng%emchop1 at fishbowl02.lss.emc.com
Wed Mar 24 05:51:56 PST 1999

From: "stephen sousa" <stephen=sousa%eng%emchop1 at fishbowl02.lss.emc.com>


Per your recommendation, I purchased a bronze bushing which will be 
installed between the ears of the new Edson tiller cap/strap as well. 
Hopefully this extends the life of the product. Thank you for the 

Original Text
From: "George Dinwiddie" <gdinwiddie at min.net>, on 3/24/99 8:50 AM:
From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>


I find that the "ears" at the back of the tiller head tend to bend
inwards, causing the problem to reappear.  I finally put a bronze
bushing, cut to fit snugly, in there.  It seems to be keeping it
from getting worse.  I just wish I'd done it when the tiller head
was new.

 - George

> Gordon E. White said:
>	[snip]
>     I just finally solved the looseness in the rudderpost/tiller
> fitting. Over the years the bolt had squeezed the ears of the tiller
> fitting and wear on the rudderpost head fitting had contributed to
> enough slop that was bothersome. The gap was not square, which made
> snugging it up with washers useless. So I took off the rudderpost head
> fitting, put it in the vise on my 1/2" drill press and using a 3/8" end
> mill squared up both sides. I then was able to put it back on the
> H-section fitting on the end of the tiller with two stainless washers
> that made it snug again. 

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
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