[alberg30] Re: Access

Gordon E. White gewhite at crosslink.net
Mon Mar 1 04:06:47 PST 1999

From: "Gordon E. White" <gewhite at crosslink.net>

   The prior owner cut a large enough square hole to install an aluminum
frame Bomar hatch in the forward end of my cockpit. I have had no
problems with it in the 10 years I have had the boat. I have also got an
8" dia. deck plate in front of the rudderpost.
    My cockpit sole consists of 1/4" of woven fiberglass cloth and resin
over 1/8" masonite hardboard with another 1/8 of glass and another 1/8"
thickness of masonite and another 1/8" of woven fiberglass/resin under
that. Total thickness is better than 5/8", has no delamination and seems
very stiff. My boat, # 275, was built in 1967.
                                    - Gordon White

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