[alberg30] Re: Atomic 4 wheels

Rap1208 at aol.com Rap1208 at aol.com
Fri Mar 5 12:45:06 PST 1999

From: Rap1208 at aol.com

Dick, read the thing from Rick.  I replaced the three blade when I bought my
boat with a 13-6 two blade.  After one year I had it re=pitched to 13-7.  I
get over 6 k in fairly calm water at only 1400 rpm.  Sometimes I run it a
little higher, but I start getting some cavitation noises over about 1700 to
1750.  Some nuts told me I should run it at 2500 to 3000 rpm.  I don't agree.
Thats probably why people have worn them out, and have to repower.  The Atomic
4 is like a tractor engine, lots of torque down low.  If I can run all day at
1500, and about 6.5 K, and get decent fuel consumption, what else do I need?
Repower for $ 3000=$4000 and get better fuel economy?  I'd never recover the
cost.  Around here,(Mich_, people don't use enought desiel fuel, and get alge
in the tanks....and that is a big mess.  I'll rebuild the thing before I get
rid of it.  I used to build race car  engines and the A-4 is simple.  Some
people lake to make work for themselves.
Russ Pfeiffer     #251

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