[alberg30] Re: Gear Ratio

Rap1208 at aol.com Rap1208 at aol.com
Fri Mar 5 07:39:35 PST 1999

From: Rap1208 at aol.com

When he says,  "How bad can a brand new desiel be?"  I stop to think.  I
remember a friend who bought two  "brand new desiel" cars from General Motors.
One of them blew up twice, then a third time, and thankfully burned itself to
death beside a free way.  The owner used to leave the keys in the other one ,
with the window rolled down, unlocked, hoping that someone would steal it.  No
such luck, they stole a 10 year old Ford pick up parked next to it instead.
Remember those Renault desiels?    Russ Pfeiffer

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