[alberg30] Re: Motor mounts

RABBIT649 at aol.com RABBIT649 at aol.com
Sun Mar 21 14:20:38 PST 1999

From: RABBIT649 at aol.com

To tell you the truth, Gordon, I'm an idea man, not an engineer. I haven't
done this, I just think it would be the ultimate setup.
What's a "stress riser"? It had seemed to me that a step in the shaft would be
the way to go. I think when I originally thought it thru 2 years ago, it was
on the basis of available marine components. I know that vetus or PSS makes a
whole line of the CV type couplings, the smallest of which would be suitable
for our boat.
But I like your idea about the rubber. I think I saw something like that used
for vibration isolation. I don't think you could get 15 degrees out of a
donut. A piece of fabric, yes, but would you get the transmission of torque? I
don't know.
Ashwagh #23

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