[alberg30] Re: slab reefing

Forhan, Thomas Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov
Tue Mar 23 11:42:11 PST 1999

From: "Forhan, Thomas" <Thomas.Forhan at mail.house.gov>

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	FINNUS505 at aol.com [SMTP:FINNUS505 at aol.com]
	Sent:	Tuesday, March 23, 1999 1:11 PM
	To:	alberg30 at onelist.com
	Subject:	[alberg30] Re: slab reefing

	From: FINNUS505 at aol.com

	Hi Rap 1208,

	I guess there are as many ways to reef as there are people reefing.
	But just for conversations sake,(and because I have nothing
	better to do right now) don't you sometimes find that the folds of
the sail at
	the leach get caught in the loop of the leachline, ie; the loop
formed by the
	line dead ended to port, up through the cringle, and back to the
cheek block
	to stbd, necesitating a crew member to reach back there and
straighten the
	folds out so the leach line can be tightened without crushing the
sail?  When
	I've used that system on other boats, I have found that to be a
problem.  With
	the leach line going from boom to cringle to aft end of boom, as you
	the leach line, the sail below the reef just flops over the boom to
stbd, and
	is not 'entrapped'.

	The winch sounds like a good idea.  I think I'll put one on.

	The flattening reef is also a good idea.  I used to crew on Ensigns
back in
	the 70's when it was still a hot class, and the boat I crewed on had
	flattening reef.  On 15 + days it was dramatic what a speed
difference that
	flattening reef made against boats that did not have one, or were
too lazy to
	tuck it in.  This Lee main I have doesn't have one, but I may end up
	one in.  On a main the size of an A30, is it just a cringle at luff
and leach,
	or are there reef points in the middle of the sail too?

	"When is the proper time to tie in a reef?  the first time you think
	it!"  old sailors proverb.

	Take care,
	Lee Trachtenberg
	Stargazer #255

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