[alberg30] Handrails

alberg30 alberg30 at planet.net
Sat Mar 27 04:04:18 PST 1999

From: "alberg30" <alberg30 at planet.net>

Funny that you should mention this, there should be an article appearing in
the Assoc newsletter very soon with this topic and photos.

But the short story is this, I removed my handrails last summer. On #499 we
had to drill the teak plugs out of both sides to find the nuts. Some were
topsides, some were inside the cabin. My outside rails had also
deteriorated slightly, but not enough to completely disregard them. We put
the outside inside and the inside outside. There was no problem lining up
the holes, but you do have to watch the fore aft  alignment.

I concur with the idea to caulk only the outside, that should do the trick.

Applying several coats of Cetol to the handrails is very convenient once
they are removed. So is applying decorative ropework to the outside
handrails that have withered away. Their deterioration is thus not
noticeable, and it looks salty too.- All this and more, to be included in
an upsoming issue of the Mainsheet.

Joe Tokarz #499
"One Less Traveled"

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