[alberg30] Bow Chocks

Robert Kirk kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov
Tue May 4 20:49:48 PDT 1999

From: Robert Kirk <kirk at neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>

At 07:56 PM 04-05-99 +0100, Tom Sutherland wrote:
>From: Tom Sutherland <tomsu at uky.campuscw.net>
>Also , The obvious question begging to be ask  ....  has anyone had the
>experience of these chocks pulling out and/or splitting the toe rail ?

Yes, as a matter of fact, mine pulled out taking a chunk of toe rail with
it at the end of last season. Situation: short mooring painter in a choppy
seaway in Annapolis harbor. I'm repairing it now. (Anyone good at scarfing
teak toe rails?)

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

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