[alberg30] The Real Thing

RUDY marks rmarks at sunlink.net
Fri May 14 07:01:14 PDT 1999

From: RUDY marks <rmarks at sunlink.net>

I have been reading about Albergs for the past year. I think that they are
magnificant boats. I have been debating about buying one ever since I saw a
picture of one. My problem is that I never sailed and I never rode on a sail
boat. I am looking for someone willing to take my wife and I for a sail. I
am willing to pay expenses, I just want to feel what it is like. In all
honesty, I have been dreaming about sailing for many years, I just don't
live close to the ocean or any lakes. Presently I live 60 miles north of
Harrisburg PA. I am hoping to move closer to water after this year. Thanks
for reading, anyone willing to take us for a sail please E-mail.

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