[alberg30] Bimini Top

Dick Filinich daf at mobiletel.com
Mon May 24 19:07:52 PDT 1999

From: Dick Filinich <daf at mobiletel.com>

To anyone:The next step on my boat is a bimini top.So far I've taken my
time with everything I've done to my boat and through correspondence via
e-mail I've learned lots about the A-30.If anyone can give me a
measurement from the gooseneck to mast fitting,height to top of
cabin,and bottom of boom to cockpit sole when mainsheet is centered and
tight.The reason for such questions is that I don't think my rigging is
standard to most A-30's.My mast height to water line is 39',someone told
me he could go under a 37' bridge.At the bottom of the main sale track
there is an extra set of track about 15" long.I've seen pictures of a
30's on the internet and the boom seems to clear the cockpit"headroom"
by a good margin.Not having another boat like mines around to compare to
I would guess that I carry a larger mainsail than most a 30's.I have an
extra mainsail that I've never taken out the bag except to wash,but I'll
wait for some info before checking this out.Wish I could contact owner
previous to the one I bought the boat from but not possible.Its getting
hotter than heck down here and have't any protection form the sun while
under sail.I need some good photos of a good bimini set up to see where
hardware is bolted,and where top is located without obstructing winch
and main sheet use.Whats a fair price to pay for top complete,oh!what
type of material works best,how wide is wide enough any help will be
appreciated.Your sailing weather must be nice up north about now,but in
the south its already sizzling!!!!!
"High Spirits"Gallianio,La.

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