[alberg30] registration stickers

Tom Sutherland tomsu at uky.campuscw.net
Tue May 4 12:06:37 PDT 1999

From: Tom Sutherland <tomsu at uky.campuscw.net>

Shawn .... can you tell us a bit more about your experience in removing the "coamings". I took all of the screws out of mine (#412) and they remained
very much attached to the fiberglass. I elected just finish them where they were rather than risk damaging them during a "big hammer" removal tactic.
I would like to here your experience and procedure .....TIA !

Tom S
A 30  #412

shawnwilliam at msn.com wrote:

> From: shawnwilliam at msn.com
> Does anyone know a foolproof method of getting old registrations stickers off the hull? The top paint is awlgrip.
> Also, I took off the coamings to varnish, and am wondering what kind of sealant/adhesive i should use between the wood and the gelcoat?  Any ideas?
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