[alberg30] loran

greg vandenberg fashionguy at mailhost.kal.ameritech.net
Wed May 12 14:42:39 PDT 1999

From: greg vandenberg <fashionguy at mailhost.kal.ameritech.net>

Hi Gordon... It was I! Funny you should have that thought about the loran. I
(just) got an email from SITEX regarding my inquiry. They said I need:
((antenna coupler (AC21S), price $141.90, a power cord
(698-3501), price $10.95, a mounting bracket (193-1002), no longer
available, two knob bolts (KT-B3), no longer available) and an operation
manual ($10).
You will need an 8' fiberglass whip antenna (we do not sell) and number 10
ground wire (we do not sell).
You may find some of these parts at Si-tex dealers or you can purchase from
us the items which are still available from us.))

	I'm starting to think it  is more trouble than it is worth... What do you or
others think. I could buy a backup GPS as mentioned by someone earlier... HUMM?

regards- greg

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