[alberg30] spark plugs and oil

Robert E Johns bobjns at nais.com
Tue May 18 16:21:43 PDT 1999

From: Robert E Johns <bobjns at nais.com>

>Also, I was told to add Marvel Mystery oil to the oil and gas.  Is this
>correct to add it both of them, and if so how much?


I add about an ounce or two of Marvel Mystery oil to a tank of gas. This is
to lubricate the valves. When lead was removed from gasoline, I believe
that I read that it was Universal (Atomic 4's manufacturer) that
recommended this. The Atomic 4 was designed to use leaded gas,  and without
some additive like MM oil, damage to the valves can occur with unleaded
gas. I have seen other additives that claim to provide this lubrication,

I agree with George that modern oils probably do not need any help.

Bob Johns, Windcall #397

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