[alberg30] Trailer

Rap1208 at aol.com Rap1208 at aol.com
Fri May 21 16:04:07 PDT 1999

From: Rap1208 at aol.com

Brian, sounds like you not only need a trailer, but a cradle also.  My boat 
sits on a Catalina 30 cradle, with a huge (arprox 8 x 8 timber on the bottom 
for the keel to rest on.  
We cut out the cross pieces on both ends to make things easier.  I found 
mine, used, for about $400 from someone who sold their boat, and the new 
owner sailed it away, and did not want to transport the cradle.  You will 
need the cradle on a trailer to transport.  I would not trust any jury rigged 
supports during transport.  My boat weight is 10.000 pounds, measured.  I 
know the design weight is 9.000......but that's the way it is.

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