[alberg30] Re: slab reefing and headsail furling

Bob Johns bobjns at nais.com
Mon Nov 1 06:17:03 PST 1999

From: Bob Johns <bobjns at nais.com>

>From: ljsaund at tbaytel.net
>I would be interested in hearing any ideas to expedite the changeover from
>roller reefing to slab reefing on our Alberg30 (#395).

This is to supplement the good advice given by Russ:

When  we bought Wind Call (#397) the mainsail had a single jiffy reef point
at the 1 1/2  reef position (ie: half way between the locations for the
first and second reefs). It proved so satisfactory that when we replaced
the sails we had the first reef installed in the same place and added a
second one above where the second one would normally be. (I don't remember
ever  using the second one, and we used to average 900 to 1000 miles per

I never found a satisfactory tack hook , and so tied  the tack down with a
short line. I found that I could pull in the reef without a tackle using
the halyard trick of pulling sideways on the line after taking all the
slack out of it. (There must be a name for that, but I don't know it.)

Typically, on a beat, our speed would drop from 5.5 kts to 5 kts during the
reefing process and return to 5.5 kts with the reef in. This using the
furling jib.

	Bob Johns, Wind Call, #387

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