[alberg30] Cooking Stoves

Paul VandenBosch admin at cruisenews.net
Sat Oct 30 18:18:07 PDT 1999

From: "Paul VandenBosch" <admin at cruisenews.net>

The Coleman multifuel backpacking stoves (about US$ 40 - 50 at Wal-Mart)
which run on either unleaded regular gasoline or kerosene are very good
stoves.  They do not use the Primus roarer type burner, and are much
quieter.  They use the Coleman camp stove type burner, and work on regular
unleaded gas, not white gas.   While the use of unleaded gas as a stove fuel
under the deck is questionable,  the gas fired stove is easy to light by
holding a match next to the burner as you open the fuel valve.  The stove
flares up only for a few seconds and then burns blue and clean.  It shuts
down quickly after you close the valve.  The flare up on starting is no
worse than a kerosene fueled primus stove.  The most dangerous part of this
stove is when you open the fuel tank cap, the tank is under pressure, and
vapor and maybe liquid will spray out, DON'T OPEN THE TANK NEAR FLAME!  I
have used this stove inside tents and in the house and it is a reliable
stove.  By changing a part, you can use kerosene as a fuel, but then it has
to be preheated, just as with any other kerosene stove.

If you fill the fuel outside, away from sparks or flame, and never open the
fuel tank cap under the deck, I think this unleaded regular gas stove would
be as safe as any other type of stove for use aboard.  Made in Canada!

Paul VandenBosch

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