[alberg30] atomic 4

Sat Oct 30 19:57:41 PDT 1999


Used bombs sell for a couple hundred to about $1500 dollars, depending
on condition of the engine and the seller.  Rebuilt ones seem to go
for $2000 to $3000.  These prices are all US dollars and off the top of
my head.  I'm looking for a rebuildable, preferably fresh-water, engine
for a really reasonable price, under a thousand and preferably around
$500.  I've had a couple deals fall through when someone else was quicker
or offered to help remove the engine.  My day will come, though.  In
the mean time, I've got a well-running, though rusty, engine.

 - George

> John Birch said:
> What do used Atomic 4s sell for on average, what do rebuilt ones sell for
> also?

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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