[alberg30] Cooking Stoves

Guy Lalonde lalondegc at videotron.ca
Sat Oct 30 16:23:10 PDT 1999

From: Guy Lalonde <lalondegc at videotron.ca>

I just as soon stay away from anything under pressure. Burnt the hairs off
my hand on the old Kenyon pressurized alcohol stove. My wife was afraid of
the thing and I was always the one lightning it because of that. This year I
purchased an Origo after recommendation from some of the folks on this list.
Works great, on alcohol, no pressure, no valves to clean, peace of mind.

Cyrena #466

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul VandenBosch <admin at cruisenews.net>
To: <alberg30 at onelist.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 9:18 PM
Subject: [alberg30] Cooking Stoves

> From: "Paul VandenBosch" <admin at cruisenews.net>
> The Coleman multifuel backpacking stoves (about US$ 40 - 50 at Wal-Mart)
> which run on either unleaded regular gasoline or kerosene are very good
> stoves.  They do not use the Primus roarer type burner, and are much
> quieter.  They use the Coleman camp stove type burner, and work on regular
> unleaded gas, not white gas.   While the use of unleaded gas as a stove
> under the deck is questionable,  the gas fired stove is easy to light by
> holding a match next to the burner as you open the fuel valve.  The stove
> flares up only for a few seconds and then burns blue and clean.  It shuts
> down quickly after you close the valve.  The flare up on starting is no
> worse than a kerosene fueled primus stove.  The most dangerous part of
> stove is when you open the fuel tank cap, the tank is under pressure, and
> vapor and maybe liquid will spray out, DON'T OPEN THE TANK NEAR FLAME!  I
> have used this stove inside tents and in the house and it is a reliable
> stove.  By changing a part, you can use kerosene as a fuel, but then it
> to be preheated, just as with any other kerosene stove.
> If you fill the fuel outside, away from sparks or flame, and never open
> fuel tank cap under the deck, I think this unleaded regular gas stove
> be as safe as any other type of stove for use aboard.  Made in Canada!
> Paul VandenBosch
> The Guide to Sailing and Cruising Stories
> First hand cruising adventure accounts taken directly from sailors' own
> personal pages make for the best information on sailing and cruising.
> http://cruisenews.net
> >

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