[alberg30] Various Questions Cont.
David Swanson
zira at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 1 22:05:08 PDT 1999
From: David Swanson <zira at mindspring.com>
My muffler basically sits on the hull on the center line, just aft of the
aluminum cross beam that the shift mechanism cable goes through. I did not
epoxy in blocks, I used Sikaflex which is more forgiving but does not protect
the wood. It is definitely strong enough though.
Good luck.
Richard Hurt wrote:
> From: Richard Hurt <rhurt at metro.net>
> David,
> Where does your muffler physically rest? If I need to glass in a mounting
> block, I'd like to do it prior to installing the engine. Looks like it may
> be a tight fit working behind the engine once it is back in.
> Thanks to the group for the other answers regarding what to do with the
> compass recess. At this point in the overhaul the beer holder is an
> attractive option, but with my small children I like the idea of having a
> continuous step in front of the companionway. I'll probably not glass it
> in, but rather caulk it down to leave my option open for future use.
> Rick Hurt
> Corinna #531
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