[alberg30] masthead

Gord Laco gord at transatmarine.com
Fri Dec 29 10:21:07 PST 2000


The nicro press top ends on shrouds and stays is the original way Whitby did
it... and yes, the other options are all better.

Gord KC426 Surprise

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Johns <rjohns3 at optonline.net>
To: <alberg30 at egroups.com>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: [alberg30] masthead

> >I would like to see a good resolution closeup photograph of the masthead
> >and masthead rigging connections of an A30.Is there a site with one,or
> >does anyone have one they could e-mail? I looked at my own recently
> >through binoculars. The upper shrouds were run through holes in tangs
> >attached to the mast, folded over and clamped with Nicopress fittings.
> >backstay was folded over a bolt through the masthead fitting and again
> >clamped to itself with a Nicopress.I'm no expert on rigging but this
> >unusual.
> >The lowers were connected to their tangs with swaged forks which is more
> >conventional.
> >Peter Amos
> Peter,
> All of my rigging uses swaged forks - no Nicopress - what you have is
> unusual. Folding over  the shrouds and backstay  is a bad idea. The
> normally installed rigging wire (1x19 ?) is not meant to be bent sharply.
> The stainless steel wire used used for halyards still should not be bent
> that sharply. i would change it to the arrangement on the lowers.
> Bob Johns, Wind Call #397

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