[alberg30] Prop & shaft question

Bob Johns bobjns at nais.com
Fri Feb 4 18:52:52 PST 2000

From: Bob Johns <bobjns at nais.com>

>From: Joyce Sousa <jsss at net1plus.com>
>If you have a two blade prop, removal does not require rudder removal.


A three bladed prop does not require rudder removal either, or playing with
the shaft. When I switched back to the three bladed prop recently I began
to think so. It looked as though the prop would not go on, but it did with
the proper twist as you place it on the shaft. It's a little difficult to
describe, but rotate the prop as you slide it on or off the shaft to clear
the blade of the prop. (My three bladed prop is 12 inch diameter.)

	Bob Johns, Wind Call #397

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