[alberg30] Alberg 30, Texas review

Rap1208 at aol.com Rap1208 at aol.com
Wed Feb 2 00:06:42 PST 2000

From: Rap1208 at aol.com

David, regarding Lee's comment about the Arial dog house being too high.  I 
found that appeared so because Pearson chinced on the coamings, making them 
very low.  I made new ones from mahogony, but about 3 inches higher.  Viola, 
everything seemed in better porportions, and the dog house appeared lower, 
and the boat sleeker.  Also, there was a little more protection in the 
cockpit.  Want to talk about a high dog house.  Look at the old Chris Craft 
26 ( a sail boat)  Not a bad boat if yu can find one in good condition.

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