[alberg30] Alberg 30, Texas review

Rap1208 at aol.com Rap1208 at aol.com
Thu Feb 3 16:14:05 PST 2000

From: Rap1208 at aol.com

Dai, I had a friend who had a Chrysler 20, he sold it and bought the original 
CD 25.  The Chrysler is a bouncy, tippy boat compared to the CD  Also, I had 
personal problems, like the tracks for the hatchboards.  The channels were 
not finished, and had raw, sharp pointed, edges at the top, just waiting to 
take a bite out of your hide some time or other.  When these unfinished 
things show, who knows where else they took a short cut.  I want a boat that 
looks like the designer intended on sailing it>    Just my opinion.Russ 

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