[alberg30] Heres a great smaller boat...
SandersM at aol.com
SandersM at aol.com
Fri Feb 4 09:31:25 PST 2000
From: SandersM at aol.com
In a message dated 2/4/00 12:09:47 PM, mgrosh at shore.intercom.net writes:
>So, having noted all that, being faced with such...derangement; I find
>I must withdraw my observations about full keel daysailors. It's clear people
>are going to sail what they perceive as fulfilling regardless of
>considerations of practicality, performance, seaworthiness, etc.
If by this you mean to imply that full-keeled daysailors are less practical
and seaworthy, and poorer performers than their fin-keeled sisters, and that
sailors choose them solely for their "fulfilling" (aesthetic?) qualities, you
would be mistaken.
A full-keeled vessel will be more practical; she will be able to carry more
weight and still maintain her trim and design waterline. She will be more
seaworthy; she will cut through chop and have a more forgiving motion in a
seaway, and will be less prone to knockdown and capsize.
As for performance, that depends so much on the individual design, and the
prevailing winds and seas, as to make a judgment difficult. The full-keeled
daysailor will almost certainly perform better in higher winds and seas;
depending on the design, she may also perform better in light airs. She will
have a higher moment of inertia, for example, to keep her moving through
lulls. Depending on the hardness of her bilges, she may have less wetted
surface, and offer less resistance through the water. Anyone familiar with
Ted Hood's centerboard hulls -- not full-keeled boats, but closer in design
to a modified full-keel than to a high-aspect fin keel -- will readily grasp
the concept.
Sanders McNew
WILD ELF (# 297)
Oyster Bay, New York
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