[alberg30] Alberg 22

finnus505 at aol.com finnus505 at aol.com
Wed Jul 19 05:12:13 PDT 2000


Someone wrote to the list to get info on the Alberg  22. I owned one for 10 
years, and my wife and I daysailed her and cruised her whenever we could, and 
did little projects after haulout to keep her looking much younger than her 
1979 launch date.

I wrote you a long response with what we learned about handling her, sail 
selection as the wind built up, etc.  I thought I sent it to ou last night, 
but now it seem s I can't find your email, or evidence that the computer 
mailed my email to you!

If you did get my email, I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful.  If it 
raised more     questions, feel free to ask them.  If yu didnt get the mail, 
, then please email me with your web adress with your original letter, and I 
will reproduce the 'lost' letter.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

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