[alberg30] Andante sails!

Thu Jun 8 06:10:24 PDT 2000


Check with Viking and Fawcetts in Annapolis.  Don't get too many spare
impellers.  They tend to dry out over time.  The last impeller I got
was a blue Globe from Viking.  It was packed in a protective grease 
inside a sealed plastic bag.  The blue rubber is also designed to 
stand up to being run dry.

For Viking, you'll probably need to go down there with your old 
impeller in hand.  I've never had much luck with asking them
questions over the phone.

 - George

> Lastly, the former owner, Lou Maas, had replaced the standard
> water pump with a Sherwood Brass pump which uses a 2.25 inch impeller
> with a .5 inch shaft. I am having trouble finding these. Anyone
> have any clues as to where to get them. The original was chewed up
> by the engine rebuilder and the backup is now in use. I'd like to
> have a spare or two.

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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