[alberg30] polishing the hull

alberg30 alberg30 at interactive.net
Sun Jun 11 20:08:20 PDT 2000

To the group:

Thanks for all the help re: polishing the hull. All your advice was
excellent, and I think am I am going to give this a shot. Scaffolding
and a taking the weight off the buffer were two things I never
considered in detail. But you all have given me some excellent ideas.
Will let you know how it comes out.

Joe #499
"One Less Traveled"

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Sutherland <sutherlandt at prodigy.net>
To: <alberg30 at egroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: [alberg30] polishing the hull

> Joe ... One thing that worked for me when I was buffing the hull of
> I did it off of the back of my pickup truck.  Depending on how high
you are off
> of the ground ( my boat was on the trailer) You do a section and then
move the
> truck.  You may either work off of the tailgate if that works or you
can lay a
> 2x12 across the side of the pickup bed.
> I found this easier than trying to deal with scaffolding.
> Tom S
> # 412
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