[alberg30] Mast support beam

rap1208 at aol.com rap1208 at aol.com
Thu May 18 22:06:27 PDT 2000

Philippe,  Ive heard of  jean du sud, and I guess it's quite an interesting 
book.  I can talk about two things I know.
    1  if you have a bananna boat it may be because you have the shrouds too 
tight.  It is not neccesary to have everything that tight.  I believe that 
the lee shrouds should have just a litle slack in them, and shouldn't be 
tight on the leward side.  also the forstay and back stay do not need to be 
that tight either.  I have a Johnson adjustable back stay fitting, and after 
a sail, I alwaus take a lot of pressure off, so neither the fore stay or back 
stay is tight at the dock.    My Alberg was built in 1967 also, an the mast 
support is in very good condition.  I have owned the boat for 13 years, and 
bought it from the original owner, so it hasen't ben abused.

    2   It may be necessary to do some work in the de-lamination to make the 
boat sound, and I would do that work when you repait the mast, so everything 
fits properly again.  i have been on a Triton and it is a fine boat,  but 
expecting a boat that old to carry sail like a new boat is not resaonable, In 
my opinion, and you should reduce sail in heavy weather, both for your 
safety, and the boats. I owned a autohelp once, and wound up useing a Navico 
unit.  but I do not believe that any small unit can handle the boat in very 
heavy weather, speciall unless you reduce sail, and balance the boat with the 
sails first.  a fullkeeo boat can self steer in many conditions when the main 
sauk is eased a little, and the jib is a little tight.  When the boat comes 
close to the wind, Mam sail stops drivingt, and you lose weather helm, and 
the tight jib pushes the bow to leeward.   This action keeps the boat stable. 
 Speed is reduced, but what do you care, because you can rest a little, or 
the autohelm can cope by its self.

I hope that I have been of help to you.  you do very well with english. Much 
much better than I could do in French.

Russ Pfeiffer     Ca Va       rap1208 at aol.com

Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive chemistry


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