[alberg30] Re: waste holding tank

Bob Johns rjohns3 at optonline.net
Sat Oct 14 13:35:50 PDT 2000

>Thanks so much for the information.  I would appreciate the name of that foot
>pump for the basin in the head.  The basin is in fairly good condition to be
>34 years old and I could keep that but I have to resolve the water problem.


The foot pump is a small Whale pump.  I  have it mounted under the toilet
platform supported by two one quarter inch by one inch aluminum bars. The
pump is mounted as far aft as possible with the pump pedal almost touching
the folded doors. The aluminum bars allow the pump to be mounted inboard
enough to just clear the hull. The bars provide a way to secure the bolts
that are inboard of the toilet Platform. With the folding doors in the
folded position the foot pedal projects about three inches inboard of the

I converted the hand pump to only a swiveling spout by removing the plunger
and handle and plugging the hole remaining with a bolt.

Good Luck,
	Bob Johns, Wind CAll, #397

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