[alberg30] address

finnus505 at aol.com finnus505 at aol.com
Wed Sep 20 15:02:52 PDT 2000

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In a message dated 9/19/00 10:31:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
gord at transatmarine.com writes:

<< egatta... wind was 20-25 knots.  Upwind, poor old Surprise KC426
 lacked the stiffness to carry enough sail to keep  up with the competition,
 she just lay down and slid away to leeward. After we shortened sail as far
 as we could, she got left behind both due to lack of speed and inablility to
 point.   My previous boat was a Danish built Folkboat whose best feature was
 her ability to carry sa >>
Hey Gord,
great boat, the Folkboat. A30's are great too. The CCA type hull that alberg 
drew for her is very typical of the type-when there are winds high enough to 
warrant reefing, and wave action is making the boat pitch alot, the classic, 
but inefficient shape of the keel will not be as efficient as a boat of equal 
displacement with a fin keel.   A blade of a forsail, and a very flat reefed 
main will help, but there is going to be a maximum boat speed and pointing 
angle under these conditions.  The advantage of the CCA hull in these 
conditions is a much more comfortable hull motion than seen in more modern 
boats in a blow, and if you are on a passage in rough weather, hysterical 
boat motion leads to earlier fatigue of the crew.  
And they are so much prettier.


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