[Alberg30] NOOD in Long Island Sound

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Sat Apr 7 04:52:25 PDT 2001

  Have you considered submitting a blurb to Joe re the Nood regatta up here for inclusion in the Mainsheet?  Not everyone who might be interested neccesarily is on the web. When you first started this thread, someone posted that they tried to get some activity going last year and got almost no response. I for one never heard of it. I've been thinking about this sort of local activity for quite some time and I know I would remember an attempt like that if I knew about it.
   I've seen some responses to your request for interested parties. Does it look like you might have gotten 6 solid interest yet?
Brian        Free Spirit   A30    #497
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