[Alberg30] Working aloft

William J. Burke wburke at worldpath.net
Sun Aug 12 08:05:06 PDT 2001


If your son is an experienced climber he will be better prepared for working
aloft (and more safety-conscious) than most.  I often use a climbing harness
rather than a bosun's chair for masthead work, because the lower attachment
point on the harness lets me get a good deal higher than with a traditional
bosuns chair.  Whatever you use, always TIE into the halyard; never use a
snap shackle.

Your intended chore - replacing the forestay - raises one big question.  How
do you have the mast stayed now?  Going aloft on a jury-rigged mast is much
dicier than a properly and securely stayed one.  Make sure you rig multiple
redundant temporary forestays before going aloft.  A jib halyard is a good
temporary rig, but for additional support a line passed around the mast
above the spreaders and tensioned with a handy-billy or come-along should
also be set up.

Good luck & work safe,
Bill Burke
Wild Elf #297

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