[Alberg30] Re: live aboard

DRuttnberg at aol.com DRuttnberg at aol.com
Tue Feb 20 07:39:13 PST 2001

I have a dream about living aboard someday, so I've started doing a little 
research.  You may already know about this resource, but I recently 
subscribed to "Live Aboard" magazine.  I got my first issue today.  Haven't 
read much yet, but it looks good.  I can't wait to get to it tonight.  If 
you're interested, you can find more information about the magazine and 
subscribing at: http://www.livingaboard.com/.

Also, from the magazine's "Letters to the Editor", I found a mailing list for 
live-aboards.  I just subscribed today and haven't seen anything yet, but 
again, if you're interested, send an email "subscribe" to 
live-aboard-request at crux.astro.utoronto.ca.  The archived website is at 

Good Luck!

Deborah Ruttenberg
Ivory B (Olsen 30)

Message: 1

> From: Hijoe5 at aol.com
> Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 00:19:52 EST
> To: public-list at alberg30.org
> Subject: [Alberg30] live aboard
> Hi we're new to the thread and were wondering if any of you Alberg 30 
> owners 
> are living aboard. ...We appreciate any info at all.             
> Joe & Debi 
> Presently Boatless
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