[alberg30] Digest Number 773

GFREESPIRIT at aol.com GFREESPIRIT at aol.com
Fri Jan 19 05:43:48 PST 2001

Hi Peter A. 
       Thank you for the info,  I have crossed the  the Fl. S.  going and 
comming back, from the Abacos in 1998. A solo trip I did  crossing the  
"ditch"  all the way to Ft myers//.. I heardof the higher charge by  the 
Bahamians.  Because of this I was going to  go  down on the Atlantic side of 
the Islands. Really never  step on land until I get to the  Turcs and  
Caicos.  I may start out of New Smyrna Bch or  near by.      
       For now I have  my hands full between  mamaging a 40 rm  motel and 
getting Gitano ready. 
       Any one  have any experience with E-mail from the boat via 
SSB/laptop/modem?  please  share it with me .   Iam on the market  for a 
                               Peter Somkowicz
                               Gitano   #271 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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