[Alberg30] Stability data and hull/scantlings drawings

Robert Kirk isobar at mail.cablespeed.com
Tue Jun 19 20:57:11 PDT 2001

At 11:05 PM 6/19/01 -0400, R.C. Alley wrote:
>I think you might want to do the following:
>1. Find out if there is a grandfather clause for boats built  in the past.
>If not,
>2.Find out what formula RYA uses to determine stability--I should think that
>there are several--but they are all based on known (or measurable) data.
>3. Scantlings may exist in the original Whitby sales literature, ca
>1965-1977 or so.  Find out what level of detail is required--there is enough
>expertise in this group to measure up what you need.[...]

Jack Horner gave a presentation at the seminars a few years ago where he 
handed out calculations he had gathered or done himself on the A30's 
stability.  Did anyine keep a copy?

Bob Kirk
Isobar #181

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